My Vote, My Voice is a cartoon illustration that showcases information on how young people can be part of the election process as active citizens through a 3–step guide on how to get a PVC, how to choose the right candidate, and how to hold them accountable while in office.

My Vote, My Voice 1.0

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My Vote, My Voice 2.0

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My Vote, My Voice (Yoruba Translation)

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My Vote, My Voice (IboTranslation)

[berg_button style=”btn-color” size=”btn-lg” align=”center” label=”Download My Vote, My Voice (Ibo Translation)” url=”|title:Download%20Yoruba%20Translation|target:%20_blank|”]

My Vote, My Voice (Hausa Translation)

[berg_button style=”btn-color” size=”btn-lg” align=”center” label=”Download My Vote, My Voice (Hausa Translation)” url=”|title:Download%20My%20Vote%2C%20My%20Voice%20(Hausa%20Translation)|target:%20_blank|”]